You will see some of the comments from people whom I have helped below:
"While having known Walter for only a short time, he has become an invaluable resource for me, and has always had a willingness to share his wealth of knowledge on a myriad of subject matters.
There are many other self proclaimed "legal guru's" out there and it is hard to discern between who is genuinely concerned about their clients best interest and welfare and who is just looking to grab a quick buck. You will find that Walter is quick to return your calls, quick to try and find solutions and best of all, he will work with just about any budget depending on your needs.
All in all, I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking an advocate that can help you deal with just about any issue that might require "Thinking Outside the Box" when dealing with the sad state of our current " legal system "."
April S., Friendswood, Texas
"Because Walt Chek loves freedom and hates injustice, his common law research and experience arms the victim of the overreaching State with legal resources to not only defend themselves against the ultra vires acts of government officers, but equips them to expose the criminal deeds of agency employees who seek the total subjugation of the total man to total government. This work, designed to help the innocent and not the criminal, binds judges down with the chains of the Constitution. I highly recommend you study his material and use applicable principles to take a pro-active stand against disintegrating justice in the land of legal tyranny." (Dr. Storm Brooks, Edgewood, New Mexico).
Samantha Jones, Project Manager